primazllc is a full service software design and development company providing web development solutions for companies or individuals interested in outsourcing their web design and website development needs.
primazllc a team of web design, web development, and online marketing specialists with over 10 years of combined experience to offer you the best in web solutions and online marketing services. We listen to you and help you execute your goals. For More Query
The latest buzz in the town is creating virtual identities; for people, places, organizations or institutions. People are coming up with web pages and sites for multifarious functions.
In this era, where most things are available at the click of a mouse, it becomes important to have a representation on the web. We help create and design websites. We cater to different needs based on user preference. For More Query
When it comes to a static website, it has certain drawbacks. Despite the fact that it’s easier and quicker to load, it suffers in the long term, as the content on the static website can become stagnant after a point of time.
Also, it is not of a greater use to the audience because of its basic nature. In case you want to avoid any such issues in the future, it is always advisable to go with a dynamic website. For More Query
We are living in the era of technology. Surprisingly, if you excogitate about this whole ecosystem of inter-connected gadgets and devices that draw in information, give access to vast content, allow sharing of data and communicating, then you will notice that the vast majority of people are not those who are using MS Windows systems, rather they are using iPhones and iPads – basically Android devices!
From the words of Sundar Pichai , we can understand that “Android was primarily built to be highly secure!” Android is known as open source platform for developing mobile phone android apps. It is powered by Linux operating system. Since its launch, newer and better android applications have been introduced attracting number of smartphone users worldwide. For More Query
Wordpress & Magento